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Unlawful habitation has negative impact on the livability

Tenancy fraud investigation

What is the definition of housing fraud?

Housing fraud is defined as 'all forms of unlawful occupation, unlawful subletting and unlawful use of the home'. Housing fraud is a problem that should not be underestimated. Housing fraud not only has a negative impact on the quality of life in the neighbourhood. We know from our own experience that illegal subletting is often accompanied by noise nuisance, oversupply of household waste and neighbor disputes. Local residents often know very well that there is housing fraud. It is important to take the signals seriously and deal with them. Housing fraud is particularly common in large cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht.

Tenancy fraud has a negative impact on the livability

Tenancy fraud has a negative impact on the livability in a society. These problems almost go hand in hand with other crimes like the cultivation of cannabis, prostitution and drug trafficking. Detective agency Dörr Bedrijfsrecherche B.V. will capture the malversations through observations and if needed initiate a so called 'background check'. Whether you are a owner or housing association, with our report you will be able to take the necessary legal steps to fight these types of fraud.

More than 22 years of experience - Dozens of cases solved

We have over 22 years of experience in investigating housing fraud. During that period, we investigated and resolved dozens of housing fraud cases. If there is an undeniable question of housing fraud, you can proceed to dissolve the tenancy agreement. After each research session, an evaluation takes place in which we discuss the current state of affairs with the client. This way you will be kept informed of the progress on a daily basis and the tactical and legal follow-up will be discussed. Did you know that after the investigation the investigation costs incurred by you can be recovered from the tenant.

Free advice?

You may also choose to fill out the form below. Dörr Bedrijfsrecherche B.V. will then contact you by mail or phone to give you the best advice for your situation.
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Regognized by the Ministry of Justice Department License numbers: POB 785 - ND 1362
Member of the Dutch
Private Investigators (BPOB)
Approved by the Dutch National Police
Number: 20110862046
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