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It's gut feeling something's not right.

Serious absenteeism from work

When is there serious absenteeism from work?

Serious absenteeism occurs when an employee who, for example, should perform commercial activities for you, is seriously in default. The results are well below the expected turnover and business relations declare that they have not seen your employee for a long time. And that while your employee indicates in his daily or weekly report that he has indeed visited those customers. If an employee deliberately distorts facts and circumstances about his work, this could result in serious loss of turnover. Professional research is then the solution. Some of the main reasons for absenteeism include workplace harassment, family-related issues, illness, and job hunting. Absenteeism can result in higher costs for employers.

How do we investigate serious absenteeism?

Serious absenteeism investigation in any case consists of observing and chasing down the employee who is in default. We monitor the employee over a period of four to six-eight days and determine his physical movements during that period. If he engages in conflicting activities and fails to do his work for you, we will record this with video evidence. The findings are then recorded in a detailed report. With four observations on four separate days, we speak of a 'pattern of serious absenteeism'. If there is a pattern of serious absenteeism, you can proceed to termination of the employment contract.

More than 20 years of experience - Dozens of cases solved

We have over 20 years of experience in investigating serious absenteeism. During that period, we investigated and resolved many dozens of cases of serious absenteeism. Apart from the loss of turnover, the breach of trust by the employee in these matters often proves irreparable. There were employees who stated in the daily report that they visited several customers in one day, but in fact they stayed at home or went to play golf. Other employees visited a cafe or casino during working hours. 

An example from our daily practice

Suppose one of your employees has called in sick for example, suffering from a whiplash, it's been months and the employee does not attend at his or her work. The employee says that he is barely able to move his neck. You do not trust it at all. If you are trying to establish contact, he or she repeatedly doesn't answer the phone. Or you have obtained information that your employee performs work elsewhere. Contact a senior private investigator from Dörr Bedrijfsrecherche and we'll decide, after consultation, to conduct an observational study of at least six days to determine the 'objective truth', because fraudulent absenteeism is damaging for any organization.

The professional aproach by Dörr Bedrijfsrecherche B.V.

In an introduction by phone, post or after dispatching the implemented contact form below, you will have the opportunity to ventilate your suspicions to us. Then we will offer you a free consultation in which a senior detective presents the possible investigations and/or tactics to you. Furthermore, budgetary arrangements are made. You will also be informed about the scope of the AVG. Once you have signed the confirmation to us, we will begin the actual investigation(s).

Free advice?

You may also choose to fill out the form below. Dörr Bedrijfsrecherche B.V. will then contact you by mail or phone to give you the best advice for your situation.
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Regognized by the Ministry of Justice Department License numbers: POB 785 - ND 1362
Member of the Dutch
Private Investigators (BPOB)
Approved by the Dutch National Police
Number: 20110862046
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